Philodendron Mamei is rare houseplant similar to a Philodendron Sodiroi with big ribbed heart shaped leaves. It has long quilted skin and silver variegation that make it beautiful in any home! The crawler needs above 70% humidity as well as temperatures above 55℉ for thrival; luckily this plant comes equipped by having regular watering scheduled along side fertilizer applications once every six weeks or so - talk about easy care!!
* You will receive ONE (1) plant in 4” nursery pot, unless stated otherwise. Refer to our FAQ for more information.
Philodendron Mamei 'Silver Cloud' Plant CareWateringWater every 5 - 7 days when top 3" of soil is dry.
LightMedium indirect sunlight or under grow lights.
Temperature65°F - 75°F
Soil MixWell drained Potting Soil, Peat Moss, Perlite, Orchid Bark
HumidityKeep humidity high at 65 - 75%
FertilizerEvery 4 weeks in summer and every 12 weeks in winter
Philodendron Mamei 'Silver Cloud'