White Princess Philodendron is a beautiful heart-shaped leaf plant with white splashes and patches on green stems. With its lush green leaves and beautiful speckled pattern, this stunning arbor vitae will make any room in your home look like an oasis.
The sectoral distribution of colors makes it stand out beautifully against dark backgrounds--a real showstopper for those who love plants that are difficult to find or expensive on their own (such as these).
* You will receive ONE (1) plant in 4” nursery pot, unless stated otherwise. Refer to our FAQ for more information.
Philodendron White Princess Plant CareWateringWater every 5 - 7 days when top 3" of soil is dry.
LightMedium indirect sunlight or under grow lights.
Temperature65°F - 75°F
Soil MixWell drained Potting Soil, Peat Moss, Perlite, Orchid Bark
HumidityKeep humidity high at 65 - 75%
FertilizerEvery 4 weeks in summer and every 12 weeks in winter
Philodendron White Princess